I lost my contact in my left eye a little over a month ago, and went to my optometrist to see if she could retrieve it from my eye. However, she couldn't find it and even suggested that I didn't lose a contact, which I know for a fact that I did. Since then, my left eye is slowly drooping, giving off the appearance that I have a lazy eye. I asked my eye doctor about this and she said she didn't think it was due to the lost contact in my eye, and that there was nothing I could do about this drooping effect. I noticed my left eye droops more then my right eye, and it gets worst when I'm tired, stressed, put my contacts on, or if it's late in the day.
Not only this, but my right eye is slowly turning inward. This never happened until I started wearing contacts. And I noticed that if I don't wear contacts for a while, the problem gets better.
Can anyone tell me if they've ever gone through this? And if so, what did you do about it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.