Most fathers bond with their sons by putting them in boys scouts, or taking them fishing. Neither of those were interesting to me, but astronomy piqued my curiosity at the tender age of 7 or 8 years old, when I had phenomenal eyesight.
My father must have said to himself, "Oh great! Out of all of the children in the world, and all of the fathers in the world, I get the one who wants too look at faint obects in the dark." (My father was born color blind in one eye, and has terrible eyesight, to the point where he has never been able to get a driver's licsense in any state since long before my birth). So my hobby, as fascinating as it is, almost seems like a cruel joke on my dad, I'm sure.
But his poor eyesight didn't sto him from spending clear nights outside with me, with our naked eyes, the binoculars, and later, with the telescope.
After I would use the binoculars or the telecsope, he would have to greatly refocus for his eyes, with the inevitable comment, "Wow you have great eyesight."
And I did.
Until I was about 13 or 14 years old. Although I didn't pick up on that being the problem with certin things until I took my eye exam for my driver's liscense when I was 15.
I have never liked anything touching my eyes. I keep them closed tightly underwater. Refuse to even entertain the possibility of contacts. Even the thought of laser eye surgery makes me squeamish.
But if, for hwatever reason, I did have the procedure done... I would take the opportunity to go outside on the first clear dark night, and simply look up. Even with my glasses, I do not get the periphrial vision I would desire for "whole sky" observing. Meaning, I could sit back and take it all in. The whole universe before me, without having to turn my head to see objects that currently are "out of my frames" in more detail.
This would come in handy for other targets as well. Astronomers sometimes refer to something called "averted vision" for detecting the really faint objects. You see dimmer objects than you normally would by looking off slightly to the side of them (your eyes can collect and process the light better, but not color and detail). Better overall vision would enhance this aspect of stargazing also.
My changing eyesight has not diminished my passion for stargazing, it has merely created a hurdle that so far, I have been overcoming with a new perscription every few years.