2013-04-23 07:36:21 UTC
things i can't do anymore:
see at night
drive at night
see sports scores on my HI-DEF tv screen
see well
i have:
blurry vision
spotty vision
dry eyes
So today i went to a website that for lasik "horror" stories. there were literally thousands. i found out that there is an actual thing called "post lasik suicide" whereas peoples lives have gotten so bad that they can't even fathom living the rest of their lives this way. i can see their point. I can't imagine the thought that i did this "electively".
So what im wondering is this...if you've had it done.....what is your story? whether good or bad? elighten me. what did you do if you HAD a bad experience? i am very scared about this. I'm not sure what I'm going to do from here on out. i regret it so badly. I feel so dumb that i messed with my eyes JUST so i wouldnt have to take two mins each day putting in my contacts. wow. i feel it's all a scam. I really hope I get some answers here.