my eyesight is L(-7.0, -0.5, 20degree) and R(-7.0,-0.5, 180degree).. i recently bought new specs (frameless + fibre glasses)... but now i m facing trouble, actually this spectacle takes time to focus on thing at long distance and when i change my view to any object closer or far from that it again first adjust its focus and after 30-40 secs it focuses on that thing... i went to the optician but over there(in his shop) i can see his Board(power testing box where all the english letters are written)... he said it will automaically adjust itself and all this problem is due to your high power... plz anyone explain me what may be the cause of problem.... and is there any Axis problem or anything else.... polz help me and plz try to give me any practical reason so that i can explain the optician the exact problem.... :(