Hello, I'm 17 and have been wearing glasses since i was about 10 years old. Im thinking about getting lasik eye surgery cause i cant stand wearing glasses. Now whenever i get eye drops at the eye doctor i freak out. When the drops hit my eye i start to panic and i start crying ALOT! Now im not crying cause of the pain.... its jsut that my eyes are really really sensitive. Whenever i arrive at teh eye doctor and he says "ok lets put in the drops" and i lean back and he opens my eye, i start tearing up before he even puts in the drop. Just leaning back and opening my eye makes me tear up, even if im at home. My question is... will Lasik be impossible for me since my eyes are so freaking sensitive? I saw the procedure on youtube and im pretty sure my eyes will be a swimming pool of water as soon as 1 drop goes in and they put the clamps on your eye. Plus i have a hard time keeping my eye open when u puts in eye drops, and i dont think i will be able to keep my eyes open during the procedure, i would blink too much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.