Blurry vision when reading for prolonged periods. What can I do to fix it?
2014-02-11 21:06:56 UTC
For starters, I have bad vision and wear glasses. Embarrassingly, I cannot give you many details beyond that, because I don't remember what they are. Without glasses, my eyesight is pretty blurry, and it's easier to see things up close (but not too close). Thus, it's surprised me to find that reading books has become increasingly difficult.

It's easier to read on a computer or other device because of the brightness and because I can increase the font size. Even when my vision goes blurry, I can still read with no problem because I can still see the outline of words. But when the font is smaller, like in books, they slowly blur until they become shapes that I cannot decipher.

I have tried reading while shining a light on the book. This helps, but only slightly. I have tried different positions, even standing. I have tried being more awake while reading. I have tried holding the book in different lengths away from my face. My vision still goes blurry every time.

When this occurs, if I focus really hard, I can make my vision sharper for a few seconds, but then it fades away. It's actually happening right now; I'm straining just to type this.

If you've been through this, let me know what helped. Thanks.
Five answers:
2014-02-11 21:37:54 UTC
Hy Michelle,

It is very common to get blurry vision after reading, even in people that do not require a prescription or have 20/20 vision. What happens is that the muscles that help you focus get fatigued from being "locked" into focusing at near (reading) distance. They can only relax by you staring into the distance for a few seconds.

Its the same thing as if you work-out your arms. If you hold even a light weight for more than five minutes, your muscles get fatigues and need to be rested. The same is true with the muscles in your eyes. Simply rest them by looking at something far away every 5 minutes or so and then go back to reading.

Your headaches may be related to your focusing problems. A good way to tell is to keep a log of when you get your headaches. Do they always occur just when you've been reading for an extended time, or been at the computer for a few hours?

If you feel there is something wrong with your eyes, there probably is. Whether what is wrong is normal, or abnormal, may not be able to be determined until the problem is acute enough for a doctor to be able to see or measure it.

Your eyes can focus from distance to near and back to distance. Most of the time when we talk about focusing problems, it is distance to near. In your case, you have trouble focusing from near to distance. Of the solutions you proposed, bifocals come the closest to what you need. Here are some other options. Take a break from your reading once in a while and focus on a distant object.OR Wear low powered reading glasses (around +1.50) over your contacts when you read.
2014-02-11 23:04:05 UTC
There are several things that go into providing you with a good answer. For one your age is critical. As one gets older it is very common that the eye muscles get weaker.thus making reading more and more difficult. But sometimes this can happen in younger people as well. I think a visit to get your eyes examined and you inform the doctor about this will very likely result in either bifocals or progressives.

Of course anytime your doing extended work on a computer its very good advice to take mini brakes to allow your eyes to refocus. This keeps your eyes from being transfixed on the monitor. Along with that as silly as this may sound but make a point to blink as much as possible as this keeps the eyes from getting too dry.

Something you may want to try is to go to a store that sells over the counter readers. Bring a book with you that has the smallish print, pick out a pair of readers marked as +1.00 or +1.25, remove your own glasses and put on the readers. Find a seat if there is one nearby and simply read your book. You should be able to tell after a few minutes if they work well or not. If they work for you of course you may want to buy them and use them when your reading or get the bifocals / progressives at some point so you don't have to switch glasses all the time.
David E
2014-02-12 09:05:15 UTC
It sounds like you may have presbyopia. The other respondents suggested it was a problem with the muscles that control the lens. Most experts now believe that the lens becomes stiffer and harder to change in shape. It sounds like you are pretty myopic. Since you are, the suggestion of trying low powered readers instead of your glasses will not work. You need an eye exam where you will be prescribed bifocals or progressive lenses.
2015-01-27 18:49:22 UTC
Most people believe that once they are diagnosed with some vision problem and start wearing eye glasses or contact lenses to correct them, they will have to do so for life in order to see better. Those who want a permanent solution to improve eyesight typically resort to Lasik or other corrective eye surgeries. But you you can also improve your vision without surgery and can see perfectly well without using eyeglasses or contact lenses. You can check here to know how
2016-03-10 05:27:04 UTC
accommodative spasm

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.